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The Gift of Acceptance

The Gift of Accepting who you are!

Debbie Suttman

We live in a society where we base our thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors on what society says we need to be to be successful and functioning in our set society. We do this because we are afraid that letting people be who they are will create chaos, violence, destruction, and nothingness. There is a learned belief that if people are not controlled they will be out of control in a destructive and chaotic way.

This reality has created the desire for conformity and a rule for everything, a right and a wrong way to be, behave, create, think, feel, speak, express and even breathe! A right and a wrong way that is perfect for everyone is the expectation.

As rules and regulations, especially from our government, continue to be executed in an attempt to keep order, the chaos in our country and our world continues to grow. The chaos then leads to more and more violence and destruction of ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our communities and all the broader connections on our Earth. The more control executed on us, the more chaos is created.

How can this be? Every human is created uniquely, individually, purposefully, intentionally and preprogrammed with their own software that no one shares. Human beings are created to create not replicate. Therefore, the truth of every single living being is within them, not outside of them. Mass rules and regulations, requires humans to live against their own programming, their own truth, their own creation, their own uniqueness and their own purpose! This creates chaos! This creates the need to live in protection mode! This creates the need to take a stand against others and groups that want to regulate, control, manipulate, use and abuse.

This creates a need for everyone to defend themselves, to explain themselves, to question themselves, which keeps us from creating a beautiful, peaceful world based on our own unique creation. It also keeps us from living peacefully among each other. It keeps us judging, condemning and outcasting one another. It keeps us in constant conflict, always preparing to defend and protect our choices, decisions, behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and especially our personal creations.

We are unhealthy beings because we continuously choose between rejecting ourselves or rejecting the world around us. We are taught that our choices are to come from outside of us instead of within us. What we purchase, what we consume, what we create, what we feel and think and so on is determined by the world around us instead of the world within us, because our fear of rejection and the punishments that come with it are so profoundly disturbing to us that we deny our own selves.

That is profound! We deny our own selves because we are so afraid of our families, our neighbors, our communities, our organizations, and our leaders to do and be what we were created to do and be by a masterful creator. Fear is the leader of our lives, so much so that we hurt those we love most in order to keep them living a life that continually asks them to reject themselves as well, believing we are keeping them safe. Yet, rejecting oneself, is the greatest harm and punishment one can impose on themselves, as rejecting others unique creation is the greatest way to harm and punish those we love.

Numerous organizations and labels have been created over the past few decades for the soul purpose of separating people from the punishments society dishes out to anyone who is unable to conform to its rigorous rules and regulations. Weirdly, mental illness labels in our society today, could be considered mental health labels instead. Autism and its spectrum which is slowly spreading to encompass a majority of people, could possibly be a way to recognize that all people are unique and that all people need the right to be who they are created to be. Labels have had to be created to protect us and to educate us on our right to be unique.

Our history is riddled with brilliant, gifted individuals who had little or no ability to conform to society, who created amazing technologies and had incredible understanding of the world of quantum physics even before it was named. These same people, endured great grievances against them due to the powers at be who felt the need to protect us all from these great discoveries, having their work confiscated, their technologies destroyed, their lives and families destroyed. Yet, these amazing individuals seemed to be able to bring their brilliance to the Earth regardless of what the Earth’s beings were doing to interfere with this process. They kept going no matter how many times they were jailed, taken to the courts, condemned publicly, and no matter how many times their work and creations were stolen.

Amazingly, today, this work is finally being brought to light as the brilliant truth beheld within it. All of us are creations and reflections of a brilliant creator. All of us have brilliance within us and in a special swirling pattern and code that makes us exactly who we are meant to be right now on this Earth. Being able to conform in a selective society is being removed from the codes of our newest generations, which has illicited a great need for labels and groups who can protect our children from the harm experienced by past generations who attempted to be the light and beautifully perfect creation mirrored by our own great Creator. We are here to Shine Brilliantly on this Earth and stop the path of destruction we have been traveling during the last century. It is time to stop destroying not only the Earth but one another. It is time to start rebuilding based on love, goodness, beauty, collaboration, connection, oneness, uniqueness, faith, joy, peace, wholeness, health, happiness, acceptance and respect for the highest truth of ourselves, our Creator and one another.

We need sacred spaces in our lives and even in our own minds and hearts, that allow us to feel free to be our own unique selves, instead of places that protect us from ourselves. We have been taught that we cannot be left to think or behave on our own because it is not safe for us to do so. Stay busy by doing (especially for others) or ingesting information has been the protocol for staying safe in the world. But that reality is not good for us within. We not only have to live in the world, but we first have to live within our own bodies if we want to remain in the world as a physical being. When our minds and hearts are not allowed to think and feel on their own, we are not whole and healthy beings, physically or otherwise. We cannot constantly reject our own intelligence and expect to live a healthy, happy life. Yet, our societal structures and expectations have told us that we cannot reject what society wants if we are to live a healthy, happy and abundant life in the world. So the choice for some time has often required us to reject ourselves or reject the world, telling us we can have inner happiness or outer happiness but not both.

It’s time to change that. It’s time to create sacred spaces within your own mind, your own heart and your own body, so that we can all begin to create sacred spaces in our homes and eventually our own businesses, neighborhoods, towns and cities, states and countries. A sacred space is one that allows us to be true to ourselves and others without fear of rejection or punishment.

A sacred mind and heart allows us to feel and think what we think and feel with introspection and observation, not judgment. A sacred home allows us to relax and to be free to experiment and discover who we are in this world, instead of letting the world tell us who we are supposed to be.

A sacred community allows us to create and share ourselves freely so that we are able to create abundance financially and otherwise by being ourselves without the constant need for protection and explanation before a nonstop judge and jury. A sacred state and country is one where we are not overtaxed, overruled, over regulated and led by honest, respectful people who truly care about the well-being of their people and their ability to create a life that supports and nourishes themselves, their families and their communities.

As the societal structures of our country and of our world are no longer supporting us and are falling away, it is time to truly know ourselves from within, and create a life in alignment with the self that would truly bring us health, happiness and abundance. Look toward joy, peace, inspiration and beauty to find the path toward your own revelations and look toward sacred spaces and places to create and build a new world not only for yourself and your family but for all to share!

*****If you are interested in a supportive community to help you create a life that is more in alignment with your inner self join us for an Alive and Loving It! Seminar. This is a group of up to 10 others that meets monthly for six guided sessions. You can join a group we put together or create your own group of friends and relatives for this journey of transformation. Please reach out to us through our website, email or text me at 812-212-5467.

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